Tag: Iraq

A Warrior Hike on the Buckeye Trail

May 29, 2019 Veterans Chad and Luke looked more than ready to begin their 1,400-plus-mile hike on Ohio’s Buckeye Trail. They appeared to be enthusiastic, fit, and equipped with all the latest gear for carrying out their current mission. What you couldn’t see about them, though, is just as important in their story. Returning soldiers carry memories of past missions that took place overseas. Surviving the war was one thing, but surviving the after effects is another. Chad and Luke are on a Warrior Hike this year, one of three Warrior Expedition programs. While their …

The Joy of Walking–Whether a Step or a Mile

March 2, 2013 I got a lump in my throat the other day while watching a TV special about amputees from the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Especially the leg amputees. They had been fitted with prostheses and were celebrating each step they made on their new legs. I was celebrating right along with them at home. I well know how important walking has been to my own family. Just going back as far as Grandpa. Every day he could be seen walking the roads of Dorset Township, and quite often his shrimpy little grandson would …