Tag: Jesus

Ponying Up at Christmas

It was the last hour of the last day before Christmas vacation, and I was the last kid standing. It was my turn to tell all my first grade buddies what was coming my way on Christmas day. I felt ready for this now, even though I had some hard acts to follow. Apparently Santa was going to spend a big chunk of his time Christmas morning delivering goods to my little town, mostly to my three best friends. Richard would be rocketing past his pals on a sleek new racing sled in a few …

The Christmas Effect

December 28, 2015 The Christmas season is, without a doubt, my favorite time of the year. Despite the standard wars and violence always to be found somewhere on the planet, love, joy, and peace flourish during Yuletide as in no other season. Most everyone gets excited. Especially kids, merchants, and no one more so than Christians. No surprise since the birth of Christ is what started it all. Christmas lovers like me flash the Christmas message from our dwellings and anything else we can hang lights on. We go out of our way to spread …

Back in the Loop—Part Three

Part 1, Part 2, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7 March 14, 2015 To the Forest’s Edge Sometime during the night, I awoke to a loud yelp, unlike any I’d ever heard before.  A second or two passed before I realized I was being treated to my first coyote serenade. Sounded like it came from the road, only a couple hundred feet from the shelter. The concert ended as quickly as it had begun, followed by barking from the top of the ridge. I figured that had to be Michelin Muncher (see Part …

Merry Christmas to Our Readers

December 8, 2014 This Christmas season we are taking down our tree. Not the evergreen in our living room, but the gnarled old silver maple that has stood guard in our front yard since the day we moved in. A tree so decrepit looking it could evoke a snarky comment even from Charlie Brown. Sometimes I think our tree is a sentient being, like when it tries to see how close it can drop its dead limbs next to the cars parked at the curb beneath it. It hasn’t hit one yet, at least that …