A Read For Now . . . Or Whenever You Get Around to It

A Read For Now . . . Or Whenever You Get Around to It

Ever since I retired 19 years ago, I’ve been considering starting a procrastination club. I’m not quite ready to form one yet, but I feel it’s time to at least come up with the basic mission and a few rules and bylaws for when I am. 

Our mission: Ok, I’m still thinking about it.

Rules and bylaws: Not done yet, since we don’t need them until the club actually starts. Here are some minimum expectations, though, since I had to come up with something for this blog.

Rule One:  Members must have some experience in the art of procrastination, at least for a leadership position. I would expect people to follow my example.

I got serious about procrastinating when I stopped teaching. One of the best things about retirement was not the absence of work, but having control of when I work. I discovered that if I put chores off until I was in the mood, they would eventually get done in a matter of days, weeks, or sometimes months. 

Well, maybe not days.

I just read an article that says procrastination is not necessarily laziness. It has more to do with mood. I knew I was on to something.

Because of that, some things I can’t put off or they would never get done. For example, plumbing.

To be totally honest with you, I never get in the mood to pull weeds either. And our weeds know it. They flaunt their ugly appendages, close to the front door where I walk past them every day.

Once I did plumbing just to avoid pulling weeds.

Rule Two: Potential members must not be in a hurry to join. That right there would tell me they’re not good material for this club. Plus, who knows how long it might take me to get around to processing the applications. Might turn out to be like plumbing—or pulling weeds.  

Rule Three: Members must show consideration to people who find putting off off-putting. We might have a sensitivity session or two to develop understanding for people who expect us to do things on time. Don’t worry, we’ll put it off as long as possible.

There are a few important exceptions to procrastination: Telling (and showing) family regularly you love them, oil changes, and getting right with God.

Writing this blog has been on my “to not do anytime soon“ list for a long time. Hmm . . . Do I check it off?

If I ever get this published I would appreciate your comments. No hurry though.

I’m ready to pass this draft on to Bonnie for editing. I hope she gets right on it. Oops!


4 Responses

  1. Dolores R. Birkle
    June 16, 2022
    • CW Spencer
      June 16, 2022
  2. Brenda+Murphy
    June 16, 2022
    • CW Spencer
      June 16, 2022

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