Africa-Part One: Musings From the Couch

Recently I found myself looking up sleeping sickness symptoms. I had been home from Africa for three days and still had stuff lying all over the house. Everywhere except on the couch. That seems to have become my new home. In addition to extreme fatigue, the CDC says to look for a possible fever, severe headaches, irritability, skin rash, progressive confusion . . . .  I guess I’m OK. Fatigue is the only symptom I identify with. Except maybe progressive confusion, but I didn’t have to travel to get that. The CDC has records of …

Smile Power

Sometime after retirement, I began to cultivate a smile. Perhaps it was because of retirement itself. Or maybe now that I wasn’t working I finally had time for it. Whatever the reason, it wasn’t long before I began smiling at everybody. I’ve read smiling can make you live longer and look younger. It’s a natural facelift. I’ve been practicing this new smile for a few years now. It took a while for it to become a habit because a frown comes pretty naturally. In fact, sometimes I look like I’m frowning even when I’m not …

I Miss the Hiss

I got another great deal from Sirius radio for my birthday this spring. Three more years of crystal clear sound and seemingly unlimited variety. Due to a decent speaker system in my Honda, my neighbors can enjoy it too as I pull into my driveway on our quiet street. Often the dial is stuck on channel 6, enabling me to relive the ‘60s. It’s almost like I’m there in the studio with my favorite group. I can hear each voice. Each instrument. But something is missing. It isn’t the music selection. Or sound quality. Definitely …

The Joys of Squamping

Late in May I went camping at Kincaid Lake State Park near Falmouth, Kentucky. I was in charge of the Memorial Day camper church service that weekend. I can nearly always talk my friend Brian into going. Once again he was a pushover. He likes to camp as much as I do, if that is possible. And I am always grateful for his part in the camper ministry. I reserved our spot online. I was surprised we were even able get one on a holiday weekend, though it was down the hill in the primitive tent area far …

Is There Any Truth to the Liar’s Club?

Every time I pass the Liar’s Club bar in a nearby town, my curiosity is aroused.  A faded “Closed” sign has hung on the door for years, but I’m not falling for it. I think the sign is just a clever deception. I am not a drinker, but I could grab a cup of coffee and sit around and swap lies with the best of them. It wouldn’t really be dishonest . . . would it? After all, it is a liar’s club. I can only imagine the conversation with my wife if I ever …

Mask Required to Exit

First it was forgetting my mask. I’d get to a store entrance, see the mask sign, and then walk back to the car to get it. The only plus about forgetting was that it added to my daily step total. It got worse. Apparently one of the side effects of my vaccination is I’ve become even more oblivious to signs. A couple weeks ago I walked halfway through the produce section at Kroger before I even thought of my mask. Luckily there was one in my pocket and I slapped it on before anyone noticed. …