Author: CW Spencer

Standing on Sawdust Mountain

December 28, 2014 Over the years I’ve lost a lot of my tolerance for discomfort, so I work hard at trying to control my environment.   I occasionally wonder how much life passes me by as a result. Especially at this time of the year. Yes, I’ll step out of the easy zone once in a while, but more and more it seems to take persuasion with brute force. That was never the case, though, when I got to go to the mill with my dad. I didn’t give comfort a thought when I climbed up …

Unexpected Kindnesses

December 14, 2014 The gift was muddy. It was used and probably wouldn’t have gotten one second look from an entire crowd. It wasn’t even wrapped! But it was one of the prettiest things I’ve ever received, and better yet, it helped me incorporate an important lesson into my life. A week before I received the gift, I had been hiking a muddy trail at East Fork State Park on a hot, muggy July day. When I got home and carried my pack inside, I had a feeling I’d lost something. Turned out I was …

Merry Christmas to Our Readers

December 8, 2014 This Christmas season we are taking down our tree. Not the evergreen in our living room, but the gnarled old silver maple that has stood guard in our front yard since the day we moved in. A tree so decrepit looking it could evoke a snarky comment even from Charlie Brown. Sometimes I think our tree is a sentient being, like when it tries to see how close it can drop its dead limbs next to the cars parked at the curb beneath it. It hasn’t hit one yet, at least that …

Hiking Without Dave Soon to Launch

November 22, 2014 Thanks to all who have expressed interest in our book Hiking Without Dave. After three and a half years, Bonnie and I are ready to release it.  Be advised that when you open it things may get messy:  Bonnie and I will both come pouring out. If you want a head start, sample chapters can be downloaded on the Hiking Without Dave page. If you know Bonnie, I am sure you will whole-heartedly agree that she is a sweet and loving person. Here is a little secret just between you and me: …

The Rest of the Story

by guest blogger Bonnie Spencer October 20, 2014 CW recently wrote about his backpacking trip to the Smokies. However, he neglected to tell you the whole story. After you read this, you’ll probably understand why. He began his tale near the end of the hike and never made it all the way back to the real beginning. On Sunday morning, George came to our house to pick CW up. Though I had heard George’s name a lot, I had never met him, so I walked outside to do just that. I also made myself useful …

Smoky Mountain Seven

October 11, 2014 It was the end of the day. We sat around the fire in Spence Field Shelter talking about yet another great backpacking trip . . . and we waited for the bear. Tomorrow we would descend from the misty mountains to our vehicles parked in Cades Cove, then head for home. That is, if we survived the night. We had arrived three days before on Sunday night. Monday we began the day by hiking a few warm-up miles near Newfound Gap. I appreciated this chance to work out some of the bugs. …