Walking Resolution

Walking Resolution

February 22, 2016

My walking mileage always plummets in the gloomy winter months, even though I know how good it is for me. Aarp.org says, “Regular walking can prevent depression, lengthen lifespan, lower stress levels, relieve arthritis and back pain, and strengthen muscles.” Sounds good. It’s just that in the season of short days and long nights, I tend towards hibernation rather than health.

I made myself walk some in December. I did better than usual for that month. By Christmas I noticed my mileage was approaching 85. Maybe I could do 100. By New Year’s Eve I had done all but three miles. Determined to reach my goal, I found a walking companion in my father-in-law’s dog Sugar, even though she’s not used to that kind of mileage anymore. Together we completed my miles, but I avoided eye contact with my father-in-law for a few days until his dog stopped limping. She’s not exactly a spring chicken, but then neither am I.

I was impressed with myself, so I made a New Year’s resolution to walk at least a hundred miles each month in 2016. I wasn’t real confident that I would follow through, though. The last New Year’s resolution I kept was in the previous millennium, back so far I can’t even remember what it was.

A long night at the end of the month

A long night at the end of the month

Miracle of miracles, I made 100 in January again. However, I was not a happy camper when I was doing the last 20 on the last two days of the month. It was not fun for me to walk the treadmill until almost midnight on the 31st. And I didn’t even have Sugar to share the misery with this time.

February, with only 29 days to get it done, would be harder. I figured I had an edge going for me, though. I mall walk once or twice a week with Tom, and I am now leading a walking group at Highland Hills Church twice a week. Also, I now had a history of keeping this new resolution for 2016—even if only for one month.

Well, today is February 22. I have only 39 miles logged. I have a million excuses, but I won’t bore you with even one. The bottom line is my resolution looks to be dead in the water. That is, unless I average almost 8 miles a day for the next eight days.

Better start up the “dreadmill.” Either I walk, or another resolution does.


2 Responses

  1. Dolores R. Birkle
    February 24, 2016
    • CW Spencer
      February 24, 2016

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